Contact Angela at 602-515-3450 for availability.
MORNING classes will be held Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays from 8:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m
Tuition is due on the first class day of the month.
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments based upon the total number days of preschool. (2 classes a week 65 preschool classes total, 3 classes a week 99 preschool classes total, and 4 classes a week 133 preschool classes total)
Most school breaks will coincide with Gilbert Public School District Calendar.
AFTERNOON classes will be held Mondays & Wednesdays only from 11:15-1:30 p.m.
If your child is staying ALL DAY (8:45 am-1:30 pm) on a Monday or a Wednesday or coming Monday/Wednesday afternoons (11:15 am-1:30 pm) they will need to bring a lunch. All day preschool and afternoon preschool will eat lunch from (11:15-11:30 am).
Tuition is $130.00 a month for 2 mornings a week (8:45-11:30 am)
M/W or T/Th or M/Th
Tuition is $170 a month for 2 mornings and 1 afternoon. Options
Mon. all day (8:45-1:30 pm) with Wed. morning (8:45-1:30 pm)
Wed. all day (8:45-1:30 pm) with Mon. morning (8:45-11:30 am)
Tuition is $175.00 a month for 3 mornings a week.
M/W/TH or M/T/TH or T/W/TH
Tuition is $210 a month for 2 mornings with 2 afternoons a week.
M/W all day (8:45-1:30 pm)
Tuition is $215 a month for 3 mornings and 1 afternoon.
Mon. all day (8:45-1:30 pm) with
T/Th mornings or W/Th mornings
Wed. all day (8:45-1:30 pm) with T/Th mornings or M/Th mornings
Tuition is $220 a month for 4 mornings.
M/T/W/Th mornings
Tuition is $115 a month for 2 afternoons a week.
M/W afternoons only (11:15 am-1:30 pm)
A NON-REFUNDABLE enrollment & supply fee of $75 for pre-k and preschool students will be due with your enrollment
packet to secure your child's place in the class.
Tuition is due on the first class day of the month.
Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments based upon the total number days of preschool. (2 classes a week 65 preschool classes total, 3 classes a week 99 preschool classes total, and 4 classes a week 133 preschool classes total)
Most school breaks will coincide with Gilbert Public School District Calendar.